Thanos Klonaris, The Sublimation of Torque, 2018, Inkjet print on archival mat paper, 40 x 40 cm
Image Copyright © Thanos Klonaris
Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the subject-matter of my work The Sublimation of Torque, was first, coincidentally spotted in 1969 by the two Ukrainian astronomers (Churyumov, Gerasimenko) of which it took up its name. The comet’s two-lobe shape with a porous nucleus, which indicates their fusion, has been departmentalized in 26 distinct “terraces”, all named after gods, mostly Egyptian. Like many other periodical comets, 67P has changed its orbit inwards, considerably decreasing the time of its passage around the perihelion. Notably observing the phenomenon, scientists discovered, in 2010, a bright patch of light shining from the comet determining it as an outburst of activity.
It is this very outburst of activity and the comet’s Egyptian surface-naming which made me to affiliate, besides the comparable in acreage, 67P with the sacred island of Delos, the significant locale of Apollo, the Temple of the Egyptian Gods, and the Terrace of the Lions. The worship of both Apollo as the God of sun and light, and the Egyptian Gods, has transfigured the locus into a major cult center of a mysticism-induced orbit around the “perihelion” of spiritual experiences. Moreover, the obvious similarities in shape of the colossal lions and that of the comet, augmented by the similitude of their porous surface quality, not only stipulate the guarding of an inward torque of spirituality but rather a sublimation of the divine.
Thanos Klonaris
He studied painting at the School of Fine Arts in Athens, Greece.He was awarded a scholarship and completed his Master of Arts degree in Interior and Spatial Design, at Chelsea College of Art & Design, London. Lives and works in Athens.