Image Copyright © Verónica Arís Zlatar
For the ‘Cosmonauts of inner space’ in Brussels, she presents her new project pertaining to 2018 entitled ‘As human as knowledge’.
In Internal time of consciousness Arís is researching one of the topics of contemporary philosophy, Phenomenology: “In few words, we may say that it is the set of functions of consciousness that makes possible our elapsing experience. In other words, I experience the sequence of life thanks to the possibility of connecting the different moments that are given, and I experience this sequence through a leading meaning. The question is ‘how this can be possible?”
Verónica Arís holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (2002) and Philosophy (2011) at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), and a Master in Philosophy at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KULeuven, 2016). After years of studying Phenomenology, Arís decided to turn to the visual arts with a series of charcoal portraits in 2013, as a way to broaden philosophical discussions outside of the scholarly field. Since 2015, this initiative has led her to participate in both Collective and Solo exhibitions in Brussels, Basel, Zagreb, and London. Her last project untitled ‘Faces of Hope: stories of immigration’ has been exhibited in Solo Shows in Zagreb (May 2017), in London (November 2017), and Brussels (February) and it is set up now at VUB until the end of June.